Select Board reaches out to Holtec


26 Court Street
Plymouth, Massachusetts 02360
(508) 747-1620

Holtec Decommissioning International
c/o Patrick O'Brien, Government Affairs and Communications 
1 HoltecBoulevard
Camden, NJ 08104

Dear Mr. O'Brien:

On February 1, 2022, the Plymouth Select Board voted unanimously to support a United States Forest Service"Forest Legacy Grant" application for the acquisition, and ultimate conservation, of Holtec Decommissioning International's (HDI) unlicensed property adjacent to the former Entergy Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station facility in Plymouth.

At this time, the Plymouth Select Board respectfully requests that HDI provide a Landowner Pa1ticipation Letter (template attached), acknowledging that HD! is a "willing seller" of the properties proposed for acquisition and conservation (as delineated on the attached map). This "willing seller' letter will simply allow the Fiscal Year 2024 Forest Legacy Grant application process to begin, without committing Holtec to any specific outcome.

The deadline for submitting the initial grant application to the Massachusetts Department of Conservation andRecreation's Forest Legacy Program Coordinator is July 11, 2022.

In consideration of the assessments and preparations that must now be undertaken, the Board would greatly appreciate receiving the Landowner Participation Letter-and/or scheduling a meeting with HDI representatives to further explain the process-at the company's earliest convenience.


Richard J. Quintal Jr. Chairman, Select Board

Town of Plymouth, Massachusetts


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